Thursday, April 17, 2008

Proud Mama...

I'm a proud mama. Chicken Nugget decided that she would like to play t-ball this year. It's so nice to see her wanting to do other things (aka sports) instead of just playing mommy, dress up and make up. I want her to be a "well rounded" little girl. And I'm quite surprised - but she really likes it!

Her first game was on Saturday. She was amazing. She hit the ball, she ran the bases - she even fielded alot of balls and threw them to first base. At the end of the game, her coach called her over and presented her with the coveted "Game Ball". He is such a gentlemen about it. He got down on one knee and said such encouraging words to her. The game ball reads:

"Chicken Nugget" (ok obviously it would be her real name, not her blog name)

Tigers vs. Rockies

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Game Ball

"for being the best overall player"

I gotta say - I was really proud of her. I think a part of it, for me, was the fact that I was "the girl" in our family. I wasn't given an option to play sports - my brothers did that. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm sure if I had said to my parents "I want to play baseball" I would have been allowed. I just don't think I even knew it was an option. And as I got older, I wished that I had played a team sport. It's seems like such a fun experience. I digress.

She's good at it. And she was proud of herself. In fact, she slept with the game ball that night and showed anyone and everyone. Good job Chicken Nugget - you rock girl!


Stephanie said...

You were awesome Chicken Nugget!

momteacherfriend said...

Very cool!
I really like her coaches tradition and how that builds up the kids.
Way to go Chicken Nugget and Coach.

Promises said...

That is so great! Way to go Chicken Nugget! I LOVED playing sports! I am so proud of her and it is cool to read how proud you are of her! :)

This Journey of Mine said...

She slept with it.... how sweet! Way to go Chicken Nugget. Your awesome!

Livin' Life said...

That's awesome and she looks so cute in the picture. She will be one of those hot sporty chicks who look awesome on and off the field. :)

The Gang's Momma! said...

Go Chicken Nugget! Whooo Hoooo! Very cute!

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

I'm glad I found your blog. I was born and raised near Harrisburg PA and always love reading blogs from PA.

Kristie said...

where are you??? looking to see if your kids are keeping you as busy as mine are me! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Great job Chicken Nugget!!!!