Huckleberry had his very first ever soccer game this past Saturday. We braved the sweltering heat and horrendous humidity with no shade for what seemed like hours (turns out it was only 45 minutes). Stretch and I were both quite nervous about how this day would go. Here's why...
An underenthusiastic Huckleberry has been playing soccer now for two weeks. When we signed up (like four months ago) he was totally excited. And then, a week before practice had even started, he mentioned in passing that he'd "changed his mind about playing soccer".
So I gently informed him that the soccer league hadn't changed their mind about cashing my $60 check four months ago. We also told him that he would be a "man of his word" (this saying is used OFTEN in our house) and play out the entire season... enthusiastic, or not.
Here's what a typical Tues/Thurs evening sounds like pre-soccer practice at the Jack House:
me: "Huckleberry get ready for practice".
him: "Fine".
me: "Huckleberry your getting your soccer jersey tonight. Isn't that cool"?
him: "I guess".
me: "Huckleberry aren't you excited about your first game"?
him: "Fifty-fifty". (this is a "charming" new phrase he's learned & one I wish I'd never heard).
So, it was with much tension that we watched to see what he would do. Well - turns out - he did a great job. He listened to the coaches, played well, and actually looked like he wanted to be there. Great. He likes it. Not a total failure.
Then I mention to Huckleberry that his practice was cancelled due to the rain on Tuesday night and you'd think I had just promised him a new set of Legos he was so excited. Looks like we'll be playing one season of soccer.
Oh darn. I guess I'll have to save my sixty bucks and reward myself with two more evenings at home, not lugging around the kids and my stupid folding chair to soccer practice. Oh darn.
I'm feeling your pain, Sister!!
Better yet, take your $60, turn it into Panera gift cards and treat yourself and a friend to hot cocoa or lunch out once a month til the funds run dry!
Similar struggle going on here about French horn lessons - glad to hear we're not the only mean, horrible, intolerant parents around that make our kids stick with things that are good for them :)
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