Thursday, May 10, 2007

Coming out of it...

Well, ladies... I do think I'm coming out of my funk and feeling a little more like myself again. I'm getting things back in order and have been to the food store, bought diapers and am finally over losing my sunglasses.

For about 2 years now I have noticed that I feel great for like 3 weeks straight and then it hits me - I lose all motivation... I mean all. I don't get up before the kids, I don't want to wash the dishes, I neglect the laundry for an entire week, sometimes two. And then I start to come out of my fog and have quite a disaster on my hands because I've let EVERYTHING go.

If you know me, you know I'm a "feeling" kinda girl. God created me with all sorts of personality traits, but the two traits I tend to lean on most are emotion and feeling. I'm not a big thinker (surprise, I know) I run quite strictly on my emotions. So I decided to do something that is not part of my personality - I thought I would "track" my moods - not based on the circumstances of the day, but an overall feeling. And because I have it written down in black and white, it now makes perfect sense - it's my hormones!

Since having my third child, I definitely notice alot more hormonal issues that I will choose to not go into today (your welcome) but for sure, my hormones are in high gear in my thirties.

But what do they say, "knowledge is power"? I know now that my hormones are different than they used to be, so I know now how to pray. Everyday my prayer has been, "Lord whatever my hormones are doing today, whatever the circumstances of my day will be, help me build my house on the rock."

God created our hormones, for good reason, but certainly NOT to take over our moods, our day, our lives. Satan wants nothing more than to let something else control us. But the Lord is in control. And I claim it everyday.

If you want to know more about YOUR personality, check out my dear friends post at Mirror, Mirror.


Stephanie said...

AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Your post gave me new insight to my hormones! I can't say that I like the insight itself but it's good stuff. I need to chew on this for a while! Thanks!
And way to step out of your comfort zone by tracking and being a little introspective. You Go Girl!

Anonymous said...

WOW! This is great - good news for you and a great reminder for me. Here I was, sitting thru an all-out craving attack for something to munch on, trying not to yell at every annoyance (those chirping birds crawl under my skin today!). And I read this. Good for you - Good for me, and now good for the rest of the gang that must put up with me :)

Melissa said...

"Lord whatever my hormones are doing today, whatever the circumstances of my day will be, help me build my house on the rock."

oh my word! That is scary....I just prayed almost those exact words today!! I decided instead of giving into "the funk" that lasts 5-7 days, I am going to pray it away before it even starts! So far, so good! And, yes I never expereinced any of this until after I turned 30 and had #3! I'm so happy you are posting more often...I really enjoy reading about what happens inside that pretty little head of yours!!

Kristie said...

I've been trying to figure out a way to control these hormones for years now ... just can't seem to figure them out ... I'm giving a shot to "blogging" my way to sanity :) check it out ... http;//