Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Fifteen Pounds To Lose - Can I Do It?

I joined a "Biggest Loser" group through Moms in Action at our church, because since having my third child, "Pumpkin Pie", I have gained 15 pounds. What's so sad is that I lost all my "baby weight" and then packed on the pounds well after she was born. So, I can't blame any of this on Pumpkin Pie - besides, I think you only have about a year after they are born to blame it on them - and she's 2.

Needless to say, I've gotta lose this weight. I've been in denial for a while. But with each button that pops, and each pair of pants that "shrinks", I come closer and closer to realizing, I've gained weight, and it's not coming off without my help.

At our group last night we identified the times of day that we struggle with our eating/snacking, and the foods that we love to eat that we shouldn't. It was information that we all admitted that we already knew, but it sure did help me to say them outloud. I am a huge snacker during the day, but never have an issue at night. I love chocolate and crave cookie dough like no human really should.

Towards the end of the meeting we committed to make some changes and report back at our next meeting in a month. I'm blogging what mine are in hopes that it will spur me to actually do them:

1 - do free weights during American Idol
2 - run on treadmill three days a week
3 - hang my bathing suit up next to my mirror as a reminder that summer is not that far away

So far, I've done only one of the above - Idol was terrible tonight, but I felt good doing my free weights during it. The treadmill intimidates me - I've had it for three weeks now, and not yet run on it - but I'm determined to get on it... tomorrow :) And last but not least, my bathing suit is packed upstairs in the cold dark attic - think I'll send my husband up there this weekend to grab it for me.


Anonymous said...

GO FOR IT GIRL! And thanks for changing your comments to allow "others" to comment. I love lurking in all your bloggy-spheres - such fun! Hugs to all your little jax there from the gang here :)

Say Anything said...

Thanks Tracy - so glad to hear from you! Hope your family is well.

Anonymous said...

Hi, HTJB--Welcome to blogging.

I need to lose 15 pounds, too, that never melted away after #4. It's so hard when you're stuck with kids all day. I decided to exercise during my most hungry time (the afternoon, too). Good job on the weights!

Rachel B.

Melissa said...

I thought of you and our fellow comrades as I passed by the donuts at Giant before dinner, half starved out of mind! I am happy to report I passed them up because I knew I would have to report my failure if I didn't! I think this little group may actually work a 20 pound miracle!

This Journey of Mine said...

You go girl! You can do it!
Plus you'll be teaching your kids healthy habits too!

momteacherfriend said...

You can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens you!

Been making some drastic changes to my lifestyle the last few months and am more convinced now than ever before that indeed all things are possible if we believe.

You can do it....go for it!

Unknown said...

Hey - if I can do it, you can do it. I lost 25 last year and still have another 10-15 to go. You can not imagine how wonderful fitting into those "skinny" clothes again will make you feel!